A weekly message of encouragement from President Lee Hagan.
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“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Volume III, Issue 21
June 7, 2018

Encourage Newsletter
Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan

Confessing Christ Every Day, Everywhere
“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” Romans 10:9-10

Lutherans from across Missouri will be gathering this week, first at Lake Ozark, for the District LWML Convention, and then in Columbia for the District Convention. What do we hope will be accomplished at both gatherings? The Synod bylaws state, “Conventions of the districts shall afford opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration, fellowship, and the communication of vital information.” (4.2.1) In one respect, we hope that these words will be a fitting description of the gatherings. But more than that, my hope and prayer is that all who gather will hear of Christ’s saving work and be encouraged to confess Christ’s saving name! In Romans chapter 10, St. Paul emphasizes the connection between the hearing and confessing of the faith. Our prayer is that the hundreds of saints who are gathered will be pointed to Christ’s justifying work on the cross and then confess that Jesus Christ is Lord in their respective daily callings.

The conventions will include important business for the delegates to consider. But may our focus never be on our preparations and plans, but on Christ’s cross. We never want to lose sight of the mission to which God has called us to participate that will happen outside convention halls. The conventions can be a time for the saints to be encouraged and equipped for the work that remains when they return to their communities. Such work is boldly confessing that salvation is found in no one else, except Jesus Christ. Faithful witnesses are those who have been called to faith in Christ and bear witness to Him in their daily lives. May those who gather for these conventions be “sent forth by God’s blessing, our true faith confessing.”

I would invite your prayers for both conventions. We pray that God would grant safe travel to the ladies gathering in Lake Ozark and all gathering in Columbia. Grant to those who are delegate wise and discerning hearts as they consider important actions on behalf of those we represent. May all our actions and attitudes be confirmed by God’s Word and a pure and bold confession of Christ! Finally, may all who labor here on earth as Your Church Militant find true peace and joy as part of Your Church Triumphant!
Prayer – Almighty and everlasting God, You have given the Comforter to Your Church and have promised to abide with it forever. Pour forth the blessing of Your Spirit on all delegates who attend these conventions in Your name. Grant them abundant steadfastness of faith, purity of love, and a sincere desire for peace that they, by the help of Your abiding Spirit, may conduct the affairs in all humility and godliness, and to the glory of Your name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Fraternally in Christ,

President Lee Hagan

Words of Encouragement
“The desire to go tell others about Jesus is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in each believer, and it is at the heart of the Church’s mission. The basis for Christian mission to the world, then, is the universal dimension of the Gospel. By that we mean the reality that the work of Christ was effective for all people, everywhere. This is seen most explicitly in the ‘Gospel in a nutshell,’ John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…’ The Lutheran believes that he or she can tell anyone, no matter how serious his or her fault or errors, ‘Christ died for you.’ The goal of mission from a Lutheran perspective is expressed in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), taught by Jesus Himself, who said one should pray ‘Thy kingdom come.’ When we pray that petition of the Lord’s Prayer, we are asking that God’s kingdom would come not only to us, but that the Gospel would be preached to all the world so that others who do not know the depth of God’s love for them may hear that news and trust in Christ. The source of Christian mission, however, is to be found in God Himself; therefore, when we speak of missions, we often use the term Missio Dei because it points to the primary source of Christian mission: it is the mission of God. But God carries our His mission through the men and women who make up the Church.” Lutheranism 101, p. 250-251.


Events and Information

Pre Convention Issue of Today's Business Now Available

The Pre Convention Issue of Today's Business for the 20th Missouri District Convention is now available online. It has important information and updates that delegates will need in order to participate in the convention.

All delegates should download or print the entire document and bring it with them to the convention.

Click here to access the document.

A Message from President Hagan About the Proposed District Restructure

Click the image below for a video message from District President Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan about the proposed district restructure that will be discussed and voted on at the convention.

Congregation Members Are Invited to Attend the Opening Worship Service at Convention

All Missouri District congregation members are invited to attend the opening worship service of the LCMS Missouri District Convention on Sunday, June 10, at 7 pm. The worship service will include the celebration of Holy Communion.

The convention will be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, 2200 I-70 Dr. SW, Columbia, MO, 65203. Registration is not required to attend the worship service. If you will be near Columbia on June 10, we hope you will be able to attend and worship with us.

Food, Fun & Fellowship at Ballpark Village with CUNE
June 13

The Concordia University Nebraska (CUNE) Alumni group is hosting an alumni and friends event at Ballpark Village in St. Louis. Join President Brian & Dr. Laurie Friedrich for a fun night cheering on the Cardinals vs. the Padres. Enjoy fellowship with the Concordia family and hear what’s new at CUNE!
• Wednesday, June 13, 6 - 10 pm 
• Ballpark Village at the Budweiser Brewhouse 
• Game starts at 7:15 p.m.   
• $50 per ticket
• Register at cune.edu/brewhouse by June 1
Ticket purchase includes a great view of the game from the Brewhouse, drink tickets and an all-American buffet, featuring grilled chicken, hot dogs, burgers, sides and dessert. This event is open to everyone. We hope CUNE alumni, family and friends can join us.


Volunteers Needed for LEA Convocation 

The Missouri District is looking for volunteers to help out at the Lutheran Educators' Association (LEA) Convocation October 10-12 at the Americas Center in St. Louis.

Volunteers will be needed to welcome and direct participants, run errands and assist with registration and hospitality. This is the perfect opportunity for retirees, especially retired educators, so that current educators can attend events rather than serve in volunteer roles.

There are many opportunities available, so everyone is sure to find a fit for their skills, talents and desire. Whether you can be there for a few hours, half a day, or multiple days, we'd love to have your help.

If interested, please send an email with your name, phone number, email address and availability to Alan Freeman at alan.freeman@mo.lcms.org.  



Plus One Participation Forms
Many congregations are turning their attention to our community outreach effort, the Plus One Initiative. Congregations are encouraged to complete a Plus One participation form and either mail it to the district office or email it to
plusone@mo.lcms.org. If you want additional information about Plus One or a copy of the Plus One participation form, go to http://mo.lcms.org/plus-one/.

This message was sent to lee.hagan@mo.lcms.org by lee.hagan@mo.lcms.org
660 Mason Ridge Center Drive #300, St. Louis, MO, 63141

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